The special frog : FROG VLE

This is my personal dashboard of the FROG VLE . Yeah what is the FROG all about ? As for me , the Frog is a program that encourages all teachers and students to learn virtually . Students nowadays like to do their homework with ease , without pressure such as copying the articles again and again or answering quizzes with the method of copying - answering . With FROG , teachers can easily give assignments and also teach their students in the paperless environment . The FROG also provides a fun - learning ambiance  with the colourful and cheerful sites . Apart from that . . . . 
Tadaa . . . See , it's fun and easy to learn with FROG now . Regarding the personal dashboard , you can edit it the way you like without anyone can see it . You can simply put your pictures , videos or maybe list of homework given and also all your social networking's sites . All you need are patience , interest to explore something new and the most important DO NOT GIVE UP because you might face problems logging in your FROG . It's not just about learning within the syllabus , you can also find some bombastic facts like this :
What do sharks eat? Well, everything! Weird things that have been found in shark stomachs include shoes, chairs, the rear half of a horse, a box of nails, a torpedo, drums, and bottles of wine. 
Well , just make your school a FROG champion school and join our community to straighten ties between all FROG students all over Malaysia ( so far ) .
I'm a TIGS FROG Student Champion ; an ambassador ^ ^